Main Menu

This screen is the starting point from which you access all of the features and information in the Jones Telecommunications and Multimedia Encyclopedia. It is the first screen you see when you start the program.

How the Information is Organized

Jones Telecommunications and Multimedia Encyclopedia is packed with hundreds of articles, pictures and movie clips that make the fascinating world of communications technology really come alive. All of this information is divided into three general sections: Industries, Applications and Timeline. Choose the section you wish to explore by selecting one of the three triangular buttons in the center of the screen:

Industries - select Industries to learn about the different technologies used for information exchange.

Applications - select Applications to see how these technologies have been used to create products and services for the consumer.

Timeline - select Timeline to get a historical overview of the innovations that have contributed to the development of the information superhighway.

Other Helpful Features

The other objects on the screen are there to help you find your way around the encyclopedia. Select an object to activate one of the following features:

Path - enables you to jump to any screen in the encyclopedia. The Path button is the round object in the upper right corner of the screen.

Exit - closes the encyclopedia and exits the program.


- brings up some useful options: Dictionary loads the Jones Interactive Dictionary with definitions for over 3,000 technical words; Find will search all the articles of the encyclopedia for any word or phrase you enter; Print will print an article if one is currently displayed; Sound Level allows you to adjust the sound level. Select Close to close the Options toolbox.

Question Mark - activates this on-line help system.

Index - brings up the complete index of all encyclopedia articles grouped by category.

Tour - activates a guided tour through all of the functions on this screen.